IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN DONATING TO A BLACK LIVES MATTER OR ABORIGINAL AID FUND, scroll down past the navigation buttons on this page for some quick links.

What are you looking for?

Pay the Rent - Reparations in the form of rent for Indigenous people

An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-run group allocating donations to pay the rent of Indigenous people around Australia.

Change the Record - Prison reform advocacy AU
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – especially women and children – are experiencing increasing amounts of violence. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are 34 times more likely to be hospitalised as a result of family violence. We can change the record

Sisters Inside - Aid for Women in Australian Prisons
Sisters inside helps women in prisons and those at risk of incarceration. Criminalisation is usually the outcome of repeated and intergenerational experiences of violence, poverty, homelessness, child removal and unemployment, resulting in complex health issues and substance use. First Nations women and girls are massively over-represented in prison due to the racism at the foundation of systems of social control. Scroll to the bottom of the home page for simple donation process.

The Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance
A grassroots Aboriginal-run collective at the forefront of Australian Indigenous activism. There is no official donation link, but the donation account is:
BSB: 633 000
#: 154594758

This is a list of donation pages for Aboriginal and Black deaths in custody:

This is a link to an excellent document with HEAPS of donation pages.

List of BLM donation spots
This is a link tree that connects you with a series of funds, legal aids for victims, family help, protesters, etc.